Sachin Tendulkar is not only a great player but also he is an institute of cricket.some may say him master blaster,some may say little genius,some may say india's pride&some may say him God.
These are just a few nicknames of the legend mating maestro but Have you ever thought what made him such a player?!!here is one of many inspiring stories of Sachin Tendulkar
Tendulkar was 12 or13 years old when he led mumbai under 15 team to ahmedabad.The boys went off to sleep after getting there at around 4:30 in the morning.At 6:00am officials learnt that sachin was missing.The team manager& coach went searching for him &finally found him on the terrace-practising!!he was bouncing the ball of the wall with his left hand and then quickly gripping his bat with his both hands to practise his shots.sleep was not important practice was.And such was his concentration that he failed to notice the presence of the two officials.This was just one of many.It shows how much he is hungry for runs&how much he hate failure.
some may think that it was his initial stage of his career that's why he might be worried of failuer.But those who think that might have forgotten the battle between two great sachin tendulkar Vs Shane warne.
Every one knows how sachin practised to face shane warne coming round the wickets. That practised brought a new shot in cricket world.which was not played
offen."Paddle Swipe" he used it very effectively along with those "charging down strokes" &spinning legend was helpless in that battle.
These are examples how he prepares before the match.how he read the minds of the bowlers &how much competitive he is!!!
"Sachin Tendulkar is god giffted"It is true but there is more of hardwork&decipline which made him A Legend.A True Legend!!!!
very nice aartical and nice blog, thax to you for sharing with us.